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Our Impact

At Generous Coffee we donate 100% of our profits to various causes that fight against injustice around the world, which means that every purchase made from Generous Coffee contributes to a positive impact in society, both locally and globally. Whether you buy a bag of coffee or a t-shirt, you have power as a consumer to change the world, and it can begin here, at Generous.

Our mission is to create a sustainable solution to injustices that humans are facing, and we do this by partnering with organizations that work towards empowering people and promoting social justice. We have partnered with organizations such as Project Hope, Humanity and Hope United, Brace for Impact, Love One, One at a Time, Water for Good, Prison Fellowship, and more, to support their efforts in fighting against human trafficking, poverty, health challenges, and lack of education.

At the heart of social change is the belief that change starts with you, and this begins in your local communities. Every individual has the power to make a difference, and by taking action in our own communities, we can contribute to positive change on a larger scale. Whether it's volunteering at a local organization, supporting small businesses, or advocating for social justice, every action has the potential to create a ripple effect that extends far beyond our immediate surroundings. Generous Coffee is not only high-quality coffee, but a tool for creating positive change and supporting the incredible organizations behind each cause.

Being a part of positive change

Partnering with organizations who make sustainable impacts

We want to make an impact that extends beyond the present moment, one that creates a positive ripple effect for generations to come. It is important to us that we partner with organizations who are committed to making life-long impacts rather than immediate solutions so that we can help build a more resilient and thriving future.

Strong relationships

Our daily dedication to fostering strong connections with each organization exists because we know that our efforts directly contribute to positive change throughout the world. A close relationship with an organization allows for a deeper understanding of the organization's mission and a more joyful celebration of its impact. Through our donations, we become part of the engine that makes these organizations run. Our team's biggest incentive to work for Generous day by day is being able to celebrate the stories created with the donations we were able to give!

Giving locally

At Generous, we firmly believe that giving locally is just as crucial as contributing on a global scale. While the impact of global giving is undeniable, supporting our local communities allows us to foster a sense of connection and empowerment at the grassroots level. The collective impact that local initiatives can have is powerful. They contribute not only to the well-being of the local community but also to a broader narrative of positive change that extends beyond borders.