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How Can Generous Coffee Give Away 100% of Our Profits? Here’s the Answer!

Written by Sara Wells


Posted on June 27 2024

At Generous Coffee, we often get asked the same intriguing question: "How can you give away 100% of your profits?" It's a great question and one that goes straight to the heart of what makes Generous Coffee so special. The answer lies in the dedication and generous hearts of our founders and team. Let's dive into how we're able to be a growing business while also giving away all our profits to make the world a better place.


The Generous Hearts Behind Generous Coffee

Generous Coffee was founded by individuals with a shared vision of creating positive change in the world. Our founders didn’t start this company to get rich; they started it to make a difference. From the start, they were fortunate enough to have other means of providing for themselves, allowing them to focus their time, knowledge, and efforts entirely on building Generous Coffee.

Our President and CEO are perfect examples of this selfless commitment. They joined Generous Coffee not to build their personal wealth but to build a legacy of generosity. They don’t take a salary from the company, and instead, they invest their skills and energy into ensuring Generous Coffee thrives and grows. Their leadership is driven by a deep-seated belief in our mission to spread good and help people around the world.


A Team with a Passion for Change

At Generous Coffee, every team member is driven by a shared passion for creating a better world. Our team isn’t here for personal gain; they’re here to make a positive impact on others. Each person at Generous is dedicated to the same mission: using coffee as a catalyst for positive change.

We witness the impact of our work daily. The profits from your purchases go directly to support educational programs, provide clean water, rescue victims of human trafficking, and so much more. Our team takes immense pride in knowing their efforts contribute to these life-changing initiatives. It’s this sense of purpose that fuels us, even when tackling the less glamorous daily tasks.

When you speak with our team members, you’ll encounter individuals who genuinely enjoy their work and approach it with positivity and hope. They understand that their hard work helps Generous Coffee grow, ultimately creating a brighter future for all. Our team members choose to be generous every single day, and that dedication is at the heart of everything we do.



How We Make It Work

So, how exactly does Generous Coffee manage to operate while giving away 100% of our profits? Here are a few key factors:

Efficient Operations: We keep things lean and mean! Every dollar saved is another dollar we can donate. We're all about maximizing impact, which means we avoid unnecessary spending and find creative ways to repurpose materials.

Dedicated Volunteers: Many of our team members, including our founders, volunteer their time and expertise. This helps us keep costs down and ensures that more of our profits go straight to our mission. We’re incredibly thankful for everyone who’s eager to be part of our cause.

Strong Partnerships: We team up with like-minded organizations and individuals who believe in our vision. These partnerships help us expand our reach and amplify our impact.

Community Support: Our amazing community of customers and supporters is the backbone of Generous Coffee. Your purchases, donations, and advocacy keep us going strong and growing every day. Thank you for being part of our journey!

Join Us in Brewing Generosity

At Generous Coffee, we believe that every cup of coffee has the power to change the world. By giving away 100% of our profits, we’re able to make a tangible difference in the lives of countless people. But we couldn’t do it without the generous hearts of our founders, the dedication of our team, and the incredible support from people like you.
Next time you enjoy a cup of Generous Coffee, remember that you’re part of something bigger. You’re helping to create a ripple of goodness that spreads far and wide. Thank you for being part of our journey and for helping us brew a better world, one cup at a time.



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